The Lowly Rock Badger
If you are an animal lover, you will be interested to know that there are at least 120 different animals listed in the Bible. I think God often mentions them in His Holy Word because we can learn interesting [...]
Tombstone Testimonies
Jesus Christ gave what could be considered a powerful epitaph about a Gentile woman.
The Age of Rage
Why do we have so much anger? I think I can point to at least two reasons.
The Prodigal Surprise
The real surprise comes at the very end of the story, so you have to wait for it. I’ll show it to you in a minute.
Who Should You Vote for Today?
What should we do, then, before we get into that voting booth?
How to Waste Your Worship
The joy we can have in Christ’s love is so powerful that even hardships will never take it away.