What is God Doing in America Today?
We know that God is up to something because nothing is outside of God’s control, not even the death of a sparrow (Luke 12:6).
The Gift of Gold
During the American Gold Rush more than 300,000 prospectors streamed into California. Only a few struck it rich, but all had to be wary of finding fool’s gold.
Second Chances
What a joy to know that God is always ready to embrace us when we are just willing to surrender to Him.
Evaluating 2020
Let me give you two truths that will help you see good in this last year. Think of them as glasses you can use to correct your vision as you look back over 2020.
Wishing You Christmas Joy!
We may think that our world is messed up, but it was even more messed up over 2,000 years ago when Jesus was born.
Never a Brighter Star
Those stars on the Christmas tree don’t just remind us of an inspiring legend, though. They call attention to an actual, historical event.