Will Heaven Be Boring?
Have you ever wondered if you will find heaven boring? Think about it. It will last forever and ever.
When Christmas Turns Sad
When we get together to celebrate (like many of us do at Christmas time), we long to share that joy with our loved ones.
Merry Christmas Vs. Season’s Greetings
Since Christmas is a holiday to remember Christ’s birth, why shouldn’t we mention His name?
Can God Fix Things?
A lot of really bad things ARE happening (war, terrorism, disease, etc.), and God hasn’t stepped in and fixed them.
Thank You Officer Swasey!
What motivated Officer Swasey to risk his life for those with whom he strongly disagreed? I’ll let him answer that question for me.
Taking the Terror out of Terrorism
Have you ever wondered what you would do during a terrorist attack? I have. Without God’s strength, I’m sure I would freak out.