Help for the Directionally Challenged
Let me assure you that following Christ produces great joy. Why? Because that is what we were made to do. I have never met a person who repented of his or her sin and turned to Jesus who regretted it.
Cheating Death
The greatest comfort I can give a dying person is to tell them that Someone has sailed out into the sea of death and returned to tell us about it.
One Birth Date Is Not Enough
How can you know that you actually have the second birth?
Read This NOW!
Waiting to do the right thing can be fatal.
Thriving In Spite of Life’s Storms
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well; it is well with my soul.
Are We Just Too Busy?
A story I read recently grabbed my attention and made me think about how I am spending my time. I hope it will help you think how you’re spending your time, too.